Senin, 09 November 2009

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1


1. I go to school with (he / him) everyday.

2. I see (she / her / herself) at the union every Sunday.

3. She speaks to (us / we / ourselves) every morning.

4. Isn’t ( she / her) a nice person?

5. (he / him) is going to New York on vacation.

6. (she / her) and John gave the money to the boy.

7. (yours / your) record sctrached and (my / mine) too.

8. I hurt (my / mine / the) leg.

9. John bought (himself / herself / hisself) a new coat.

10. (we / us) girls are going camping over the weekend.

11. Mr.Jones cut (hisself / himself) shaving.

12. We like (our / ours) new car very much.

13. The dog bit (she / her) on the leg.

14. You’ll stick (you / yours / yourself) with the pins if you are not carefull.

15. John (he / himself) went to the meeting.

16. Mary and (I / me) would rather go to the movies.

17. Everyone has to do (their / his) own research.

18. Just between you and (I / me), I don’t like this food.

19. Monday is a holiday for (us / we) teacher.

20. (her / hers) car doesn’t go as fast as (our / ours).

  • verbs that are always followed by the infinite..
  • verbs that are always followed by the gerund..

  • the following verbs can be followed by either the infinite or gerund with no change in meaning..

  • verbs + prepositions followed by gerund..
  • adjectives + prepositions followed by the gerund..
  • adjectives followed by infinitive..
  • some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund, but the meaning changes..

  • pronouns before the gerund of invinitive..
  • some common verbs which are followed by the infinitive and which often require an indirect object are listed here..

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